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"The Mount and Watermeadows are already real asset to Towcester, thank you for getting information about it, out"
- Linda S

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Schools Out

Published: 21st March 2007 12:22

What is "School's Out!"? We are an after-school activity club... and now we're open as a play scheme during the school holidays too!

When are we open? after school hours are from school close (3:20pm on) until 4:30pm (short session) or 6pm (full session). During holiday play schemes we're open 8:30am until 6pm, or half days (8:30-1:30pm or 1pm-6pm) or short days (8:30-3:30pm).

Who can attend? Children ranging from school reception class age (4 yrs) up to 14 yrs. Attendance at the local school is not compulsory, we welcome children from all surrounding areas.

Where are we? In the Yardley Gobion Children's centre, a new purpose built building in the  grounds of Yardley Gobion Primary School, situated in a rural area of South Northamptonshire within easy reach of Milton Keynes, Towcester and Northampton.

What does it cost ? After school: Fees are £3 per short session, £6-75 per full session or £28 for a 5 day week. For our play scheme: Fees are £9 for half days, £12-50 for a short day and £17 for a full-day. Did you know that you may qualify for up to 70% of your fees back from the tax man via tax credits?


Information Contact
Tel: 07758 368024 (Chris Norman)

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