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Cubs Head to Camp for Scouting's Centenary

Published: 27th September 2007 17:11

Yardley Gobion Scouts

The 1st Yardley Gobion Cub Scouts celebrated 100 years of Scouting by camping out at the Quarries, Cosgrove for three days at the end of July.

On the morning of August 1st, as the sun was rising exactly 100 year’s after Lord Baden Powell first took a group of boys to Brownsea Island, the cubs sat in a circle and talked about why they love Scouting. Everything from ‘making friends’ to ‘playing games’ and ‘learning new skills’ was added to a collage based around a painting of the sun.

Scout logoThe theme for the meeting was ‘the environment’ .So, after the handmade solar cookers had not quite managed to melt our marshmallows, a day out to ‘Eco-Park’ Milton Keynes substituted as the highlight of the camp. Whilst there, the cubs joined in archaeological digs, trekked jungle by boat for lost dinosaurs, learnt how to make cookies and went crazy in the ball park. Some of them even provided some light entertainment by joining a rock band consisting of singing vegetables! That evening back at camp saw the arrival of parents and siblings for a centenary party. The cubs thoroughly enjoyed the bouncy castle and music before participating with Mums and Dads in a ‘mini-olympics’. Once the Dad’s had taught the cubs just about every trick way of keeping eggs on spoons, we all settled down for a barbecue before blowing out the candles on a huge ‘100’ cake. The children then left their parents to join up with the Stony Stratford Scout Group for a firework display before returning for Hot Chocolate and a final night under canvas. A perfectly fitting end to a very special day.

Cubs logo

Thanks again to all the parents who came along and supported the pack in whatever way they could. Your help makes all the difference.

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