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Yardley Gobion WI (Women's Institute)

Published: 11th March 2008 10:09

Yardley Gobion WI been a part of the village for over 80 years.

As a very welcoming and friendly group we are far more than “Jam & Jerusalem”, much more “Community and Social Activity” orientated!

We are a group of women ranging from 30’s to 80’s and meet once a month at the local village hall on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:30pm to listen to lively and informative speakers about various interesting topics, refreshments included and a chance to catch up for a good old chat! We also have many recreational activities and you can become involved to a lesser or greater extent as suits your personal situation.

New members are very much welcome!

Alison Evans (President) Tel: 01908 542400 .

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