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Farmers' Market

Published: 11th March 2007 20:58

Lions run Farmers' Market

The Towcester Lions have been running the Farmer's Market in Towcester for 2 years, taking over from South Northamptonshire Council.

The Market can be found in the car park on Richmond Road on 2nd Friday each month.

A wide variety of seasonal products are available including: ready made meals, real ale, pottery, game, organic bread, organic vegetables, pickles, soup, chutneys, free range eggs, fresh/smoked fish, lamb, beef, pork, poultry, cheese, goats cheese, apples, apple juice, soft fruit, honey, meat pies, cakes, chilli & garden plants, cut flowers and more.

The market is a buzzing as you can see in the pictures below and is well worth a visit.

Towcester Farmers' Market NN12Towcester Farmers' Market NN12Towcester Farmers' Market NN12

Managed by Towcester Lions for the community

All dates can be seen in the Calendar on the home page of www.aboutmyarea.co.uk/nn12



Towcester Farmers' Market Regulations


  1. All produce/products must be locally grown or locally produced, using at least one local raw ingredient, and more wherever possible. Local means within 30 miles radius of the market in question. In the case of too many new stallholders applying to sell similar products, preference will be given to the most local producer and the other producers will be put on a waiting list. Producers outside the 30-mile radius will be considered if they offer the most local supply of a specialist product and there are stalls available.
  2. Producers must sell only their own produce at a stall, all of which must have been stated as the core business on the Application Form.
  3. Own produce means: for primary produce, including livestock, that it has been grown or finished on the producers’ land. For processed meat products, that the meat should be primary produce as defined above.
  4. Stalls must be staffed by someone who is directly involved in growing, raising or producing the goods on sale.
  5. Added value products must contain at least 10% local raw ingredient and no bought-in produce may be resold without further processing.
  6. No Genetically Modified produce, or goods containing Genetically Modified ingredients may be sold.
  7. Stalls should be attractively presented. Only good quality and wholesome food should be sold.
  8. Produce should be kept clean and tidy, and packaging should be kept to a minimum.
  9. All stalls must display the local accreditation certificate identifying the business/group address.
  10. All producers must maintain Public, Employee & Products Liability Insurance for £5 million minimum.
  11. All stalls must comply with current Environmental Health and Trading Standards requirements.
  12. If an existing producer leaves the market then preference will be given to the most local producer selling a similar product wishing to attend.
  13. If an existing producer having reserved a pitch fails to attend for two consecutive markets then the pitch will be considered vacant and may be offered to another producer.
  14. In the event that a market needs to be cancelled any pre-paid rent will be refunded but no further payments will be made.
  15. Producers vehicles must be parked in the rear car park and not adjacent to their stalls unless otherwise agreed.


Shared Stalls

Producer co-operatives (not marketing co-operatives), smaller seasonal producers, local groups and societies will be allowed to share on condition that:

  1. The producer of the goods on sale complies with the above and is present for at least one Market in three.
  2. The origin and nature of the goods is clearly marked.
  3. Each of the producers represented on a shared stall has applied and been accepted by the market organisers.

Stalls operated by non-profit making groups or societies need only make one application.


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