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Neston - Don't Tolerate Anti-Social Behaviour, Report It!

Author: Katie Robson Published: 24th May 2013 11:17

An incident took place in Neston this week which serves to remind us that we all have a responsibility to ensure our community is safe for everyone.

Cheshire PoliceA 17 year old girl walking up Neston High Street on her way home from work was accosted by a group of youths she did not know personally.  As she made her way into Tesco, a string of abusive and sexually graphic remarks were shouted at her.  Even when she was inside the shop, the abuse continued.  Staff and customers stood by, neither saying or doing anything to help.

After reaching home, she and her family called the police who attended immediately and have been supportive and helpful ever since.

Unfortunately, all too often, this kind of behaviour is tolerated.  It is simply not acceptable, it is not 'lads being lads' - it is intimidating, abusive and intrusive.

Why did no-one step in to help?  We cannot know what was in the minds of those present.  What we can all do though, is ensure that if we witness anything similar, we try to help.  Call the police - they are here to help in these situations.  If there is an immediate threat, dial 999.  If you witness something or have been the victim of anti-social behaviour and wish to report it later, call 101.

A police spokesman, PC Graham Davis from the Neston policing unit said today: "If we don't know about it, we can't act.  We have dedicated officers to deal with anti-social behaviour, and they will step in.

"Fortunately in Neston we have a relatively low level of this kind of incident, but the desire is for there to be none at all."

So, help the police to stamp out anti-social behaviour in our town - don't accept it, REPORT IT.

Dial 999 in an emergency, 101 for non-emergency calls.

The names of the victim and anyone else who may have been involved in the above incident have deliberately not been named. I would ask readers to respect that when leaving any comments.  Thank you.

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null n
At 12:44 on 24th May 2013, null n commented:
After a quiet spell, I have noticed a number of people hanging around outside Tesco's of an evening once again - not just the usual bored teenagers, but on several occasions people in late teens, early twenties who are clearly worse for wear and extremely loud and intimidating. I often called in for bread and milk of a night (when working late) but now use the other supermarket where I can park in the car park and the same problem does not occur.

This clearly isn't Tesco's "fault" but I don't recall seeing the security that was once present at the store, and do feel this problem is increasing. If the stores are opening late night for convenience (and profit) then they need to be aware of these issues and security should be present to deal with such problems.
Joey's Mum
At 17:00 on 24th May 2013, Joey's Mum commented:
That's awful, feel so sorry for the poor girl. There are no excuses. There are plenty of useful things these people could be doing. What about the air or army cadets or the youth club at Burton Road? Or volunteering? Get a football and go to the park...for goodness sake its not difficult. The parents need to get a grip.
James L
At 21:23 on 24th May 2013, James L commented:
I think that the staff of Tesco really need to get a grip, and step in to help for once. I've always noticed there's a lot of anti-social behaviour in the High Street especialy outside Tesco. I seriously blame the parents for their behaviour!
Size 9's
At 07:52 on 25th May 2013, Size 9's commented:
James wrote - “I've always noticed there's a lot of anti-social behaviour in the High Street especialy outside Tesco.”

this is the point; you notice it, but what do you do?

the police are largely reactive and the reaction is based on numbers. more calls, more police, full stop. fewer calls fewer police.

a few years a friend of mine put a great deal of time effort and his own money encouraging people in neston to report to police on a virtually zero tolerance basis. supported by police and this had a measurable significant impact in reducing local crime and incident of anti social behaviour - he was obstructed criticised and insulted by local supposed ‘youth leaders’ and council staff and was refused support from the police authority. the only people on his side were his neighbours, the local police and this website. he had to give up because of the abuse he and his family suffered from the youths and young adults locally, and the personal pain of consistent criticism from locals who claimed to know better, including councillors (epnbc) and the mp.

you can ‘blame’ all you want the parents, school, politicians, shop staff whoever but better to do something by reporting what you see.
Dennis L
At 17:00 on 29th May 2013, Dennis L commented:

There have been many cases reported in the press where members of the public have become involved only to find that they are arrested by the police and not the trouble makers.

Perhaps that is why there is now less support from the public.

In the old days a 'boot in the rear' by either the police or the public with another from Dad if he found out was normal but due to Human Rights etc. that is no longer so.Poor parenting may also be an important factor.

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