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Neston news, reviews and local events in Neston areas including Neston, Parkgate, Willaston, and communities in Neston.

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Gordale Garden and Home Centre


"We are very happy to use AboutMyArea, as we've found many of our new clients have come across us through visiting the website. It has been excellent in promoting Petpals in CH64, and we intend to regu..." more
- PetPals Wirral West

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About Us

AboutMyArea is a national network of hyper-local news and community websites.

AboutMyArea for Neston (CH64) has been running since April 2008.  It now receives in excess of 8,000 visits every month, from local people actively seeking local news, events, business and service information.

AboutMyArea provides a free-at-the-point-of-use news service.  In addition, we give free coverage to charities and other not for profit organisations, so please feel free let us know about your news stories and events.

We also offer the most cost-effective way for businesses to market and advertise their products and services, locally.  Our prices start from just £50 per month for an advertisement on our pages that will link through to your own website - allowing you to enjoy our traffic.  We also offer various other options such as editorial support, banner ads and more.  Please contact us to find out more.

Email: neston@aboutmyarea.co.uk

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We currently do not have a search function within the AboutMyArea website.  If you wish to search for something on our site, we suggest that you go to Google, type in the reference term (e.g. Coal mining in Neston) followed by AboutMyArea (see image below).  If the word Neston is not in the reference term, add it after 'AboutMyArea' and you should have no problem finding the article or articles you need.

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