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Neston Village Fair

  • Neston Village Fair 2023

    Published: Mon, 10/07/2023 14:37
    The Neston Village Fair was a smaller affair in 2023, but the atmosphere was just as enjoyable as ever.
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  • Neston Village Fair 2022

    Published: Mon, 04/07/2022 21:21
    Back With a Bang the Neston Village Fair Drew Hundreds of Visitors
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  • Neston Village Fair 2019

    Published: Sun, 07/07/2019 09:51
    Thanks to the time and efforts of a number of volunteers, plus sponsorship from local businesses and Neston Town Council, thousands of people enjoyed a full programme of entertainment, an array of stalls, fabulous refreshments and a raft of activities at this year's Neston Village Fair.
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  • Neston Village Fair 2018

    Published: Sat, 30/06/2018 17:44
    The 2018 Neston Village Fair took place on Saturday 30th June in belting sunshine on Comrade's Field. Another hugely successful community event, thanks to the volunteers who worked tirelessly to put everything together.
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  • Neston Village Fair 2017

    Published: Sun, 02/07/2017 08:05
    Once again, by a miracle perhaps, the clouds jogged on just long enough to bless the annual Neston Village Fair with a beautiful, sunny day.

    Hundreds of local residents and visitors enjoyed an afternoon full of fun and entertainment. Report, photos and a video link, all here...
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  • Neston Village Fair 2016

    Published: Sun, 03/07/2016 10:48
    A doom and gloom-laden weather forecast all week might have seen off some community events, but Neston folk are clearly made of stern stuff as the show went on regardless. In the end the sun shone and a great day was had by all. Report, photos and video....
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  • Neston Village Fair 2015

    Published: Sun, 05/07/2015 14:00
    This year's Village Fair took place on Saturday July 4, a beautifully sunny day enjoyed by hundreds of people. Read all about it here, along with lots of great photos and a video, too!
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  • Neston Village Fair 2014

    Published: Sun, 06/07/2014 10:26
    Beautiful weather + 2000 people + talented local entertainers = another fabulous Neston Village Fair.

    Full report, video and a gallery of lovely photos here....
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  • Neston Village Fair 2013

    Published: Mon, 08/07/2013 08:35
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  • Neston Village Fair 2012

    Published: Tue, 18/06/2013 08:30
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  • Neston Village Fair 2011

    Published: Thu, 07/07/2011 09:27
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  • Neston Village Fair 2010

    Published: Mon, 05/07/2010 07:29
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  • Neston Village Fair 2009

    Published: Wed, 29/07/2009 11:15
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  • Neston Village Fair 2008

    Published: Wed, 29/07/2009 11:16
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