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Neston's Main Post Office Will Reopen, Just Not Quite Yet

Published: 10th July 2020 11:05

It has been closed since March, and many residents have been asking when, or even if, the main Post Office in Neston will re-open.

Neston Post OfficeNeston Post Office at the Town Hall. Photo by Rob Clive.

Those requiring post office services have had to travel to Little Neston or use the mobile post office services in Willaston and Thornton Hough during the long weeks of lockdown.

Brian Young, owner of both Neston and Little Neston Post Office has now explained why the main branch remains closed and what it will require to reopen it.

He said: "Firstly I wish to thank everyone who has supported us during this testing time. Secondly, I would like to squash any rumours that Neston Post Office is not reopening. 

"The decision was taken to close the branch during this period in order to ensure its future in the town. Like many other businesses we are paid by commissions on services that we sell, such as travel money and business banking, we are not paid a salary from the Post Office.

"It is our responsibility to ensure the Post Office is viable for the future and that the staff that work for us have secure and more importantly, safe jobs.

"We are closely monitoring the situation and transactions of all surrounding Post Offices which, unfortunately, currently shows a high decline of transactions. The figures show we would not be able to sustain two Post Offices locally at the current time.

"As soon as it is viable to open we will be back. We would like to thank you for your support and understanding at this time."

Brian has told AboutMyArea that he will let us know as soon as he can what the reopening date will be and any changes to opening hours at that time.  Watch this space.

NOTE: Since this article was published, the main post office has now re-opened part time. Mon, Wed & Fri, 9.00am to 5.30pm.


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At 12:18 on 10th July 2020, sandrawilliams commented:
Older people who can not get over to little neston are findi it very hard to do banking and pay ren t electric gas hope it opens soon not all good on legs or drive
Robin H
At 23:48 on 10th July 2020, Robin H commented:
It was bad enough losing the post office in Parkgate. Now we're told that Neston isn't going to open for an indeterminate period. The Little Neston shop often has queues and anyway is the far end of town. Neston no longer has banks and only two ATMs. We hear of post offices in pubs and churches and there is the mobile one for Willaston. Can't we do something like that?
stan e
At 12:50 on 13th July 2020, stan e commented:
sandra williams? Can you not get a lift over to little neston post office? A Taxi? Or even walk over,it is not that far.
Dave Carter
At 13:33 on 13th July 2020, Dave Carter commented:
We have found that it is quite easy to post items, even overseas, using the Royal Mail website. You have to be able to print the label and affix it to the item with sticky tape. The limitation is that it then has to fit in the post box. For larger items you need to take it to a Customer Service Point, but I am pretty sure that the Delivery Office in Brook Street is one of those.
At 10:35 on 15th July 2020, Shelagh commented:
To stan e - honestly, you're not very understanding of people's problems! You suggest to Sandra that she could get a taxi (cost and self isolating) or a lift (again, self isolating - I personally haven't been in another person's car or on a bus since the lock down began) and how do you know it's not far to walk? You don't know where Sandra lives!
At 12:29 on 15th July 2020, sandrawilliams commented:
In answer to getting a taxi I am high risk and dont go on buses or taxis and car t walk that far dont even go in my family cars I'm 71 and rely on local shops etc.

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