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Remember to Have Your Say on Council's Highway Services

Published: 13th August 2020 11:08

Cheshire West and Chester Council launched a public consultation in July, asking for your views on its Highways Services.

There's still time to have your say - up until 30 August 2020.

CWAC Highways Consultation

There is still time to get involved and share your views on how the Council delivers its Highways Service, the public consultation closes on 30 August.

The Highways Service is responsible for assets in excess of £5 billion. It keeps the borough's road network moving, looks after pavements and also covers street lighting, bridges and structures - like the Chester's City Walls, traffic signals, public footpaths, trees and gullies.

Consultation participants are provided with information on current corporate priorities, the budgetary pressures facing the service, and how the service must balance response times and service standards. The consultation is housed in the Council's easy-to-use engagement website Participate Now. Participants need to register with the tool initially to take part - a separate login to the usual Council on-line systems.

The Council's Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Strategic Transport, Councillor Karen Shore said: "We are delighted that so far 590 people have completed our questionnaire but it's not too late and there is still time to get involved. The Council is seeking your views to help us decide what the priorities of the services provided by our Highways team should be in the future.

"We are seeking feedback on your experience of the current service, what you think should be prioritised in the future, the scope of services and key criteria for the new service."

The eight-week consultation period closes on 30 August 2020. Residents can give their views by taking part online at: www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/highwaysconsultation.

Comments can also be sent to the Council by the following methods:

Email: Highwayservicedelivery@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk

Postal address: 'Delivering our Highways', Insight and Intelligence, Cheshire West and Chester Council, Council Offices, 4 Civic Way, Ellesmere Port, CH65 0BE

The questionnaire is also available in accessible formats (easy read, braille) upon request.

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