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Have Your Say on the Future of Recycling in the Neston Area

Published: 22nd January 2021 09:05

Residents of Cheshire West and Chester are being asked for their views on a proposed waste strategy which will shape how the Council delivers waste and recycling services over the next 10 years.

The ‘Don't let your future go to waste' consultation launched yesterday, Thursday 21 January. The consultation describes the current waste service in the borough, shares the challenges and opportunities the Council faces over the next 10 years and asks for feedback on proposed key priorities for the new Waste Strategy and options currently being considered.

The scope of the consultation includes the household waste and recycling collection service, and the way in which the non-recycled waste is processed.

Future proposals seek to address how the borough can continue to reduce the amount of waste it produces and encourage greater recycling.

It is envisaged that a new 10-year strategy will support the delivery of the Council's outcomes and sets out key objectives, policy and waste management objectives, to protect and improve the environment while delivering economic efficiencies, social benefits and value for money.


CWAC Recycle


The Council's Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Strategic Transport, Councillor Karen Shore said: "Our current waste strategy was developed in 2002 and as the waste industry has developed over this time, it's now the right time to review it and bring forward a new waste strategy.

"We are preparing a new strategy to ensure that our vision and priorities reflect the needs of our communities, are aligned to emerging national plans and policies, as well as helping to address the climate emergency.

"The new strategy will also help us to ensure that waste collection and recycling services are managed in cost-effective way, to address the unprecedented budget challenges faced by the Council.

"Everyone has a part to play in shaping the future of our borough and how we make it a cleaner and greener place for generations to come. We want residents to give us their views on the proposals and help us to decide the way forward for waste and recycling services in our borough. I hope as many people as possible play their part, get involved and have their say."

The eight-week consultation period closes on Thursday 18 March 2021. Residents can give their views by taking part online.

Comments can also be sent to the Council by the following methods:

  • Email: WasteConsultationResidents@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk.
  • Postal address: Waste Strategy Consultation, Cheshire West and Chester Council, Wyvern House, The Drumber, Winsford. CW7 1AH.
  • The questionnaire is also available in accessible formats (easy read, braille) upon request.

After the consultation closes on 18 March, all feedback will be carefully considered and results will be published on the Council's website ahead of bringing a recommended Waste Strategy for final approval by the Council in July 2021.

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At 13:51 on 28th January 2021, poppy6 commented:
PLEASE complete this. One of the proposals is a 3 weekly rubbish collection!! Flies and blue bottles along with maggots in the summer, queue tips, fly tipping etc etc.!!!
Debbie C
At 16:44 on 30th January 2021, Debbie C commented:
It makes me so angry when they say "Currently, all households in Cheshire West contribute to this service via their council tax, even if they don’t have a garden." when they're talking about green collection. The council tax we pay is dictated by the rateable value of the house, and the rateable value is generally lower for properties without gardens. I already pay more council tax, because I have a nice house with a decent sized garden. Do they think the garden comes free with a house?
In the last 20 years we have gone from being rewarded with compost vouchers for garden waste, to the current situation where we're charged extra for more than one bin, and they haven't been emptied for over 6 months of last year - and are not being emptied again now. What next - charge us again for all services, even though we have paid for them already via council tax?
I would like to see the Option C that says, 'Give me my council tax back and I will sort out my own rubbish'.
CO Jones
At 09:54 on 31st January 2021, CO Jones commented:
For some sense of balance, we voted for the three weekly collection and the paying for green waste collection. The green waste vote seemed the least worst option from our perspective.
At 10:06 on 31st January 2021, poppy6 commented:
Great we all known who to blame when we have 3 weeks worth of skinging rubbish in our bins in the summer heat then!
CO Jones
At 10:28 on 31st January 2021, CO Jones commented:
To be honest, if you follow the guidance properly, there shouldn't be anything that can decay or stink going into the grey bin.

If it does stink then that is on you isn't it?
At 14:40 on 31st January 2021, poppy6 commented:
Dog poo bags, cat litter, nappies for babies etc. etc. Think about others not just yourself.
CO Jones
At 14:56 on 31st January 2021, CO Jones commented:
I am thinking about others (grandchildren and beyond) which is why I more than happy to reduce the amount of stuff I purchase and the amount of stuff I throw away.

It's soul destroying how much STILL goes to landfill in this country and elsewhere and it just isn't ok. We need to think radically about waste and this is part of that.

David Attenborough has absolutely hammered this home for the last few years.

If your bin is always overflowing then ask yourself why and challenge yourself to put less in it by changing habits. The excuse that the other parts of the world don't do it is not a reasonable answer. If nobody does anything then we probably haven't got long before this planet gives the human species the middle finger and we will deserve it.

Thing global and act local. It's all most of us can do
At 15:06 on 31st January 2021, poppy6 commented:
You must have missed my earlier comments about what has to go in rubbish bin, where would you then like me to put the dog poo and puppy pads from our elderly incontinent dog, cat litter from cats rescued off the streets from irresponsible people who cannot even neuter their pets, etc.where is this to go please? Yes all that smells and no it is not on me, I cannot stop poo smelling. We recycle EVERYTHING that is recycleable and I do not need to challenge myself thanks as I know everything that goes in our grey bin is actually rubbish. Not consumers fault if certain items are not recycleable and as a responsible dog and cat owner I keep my poo at home so where would you like me to put that (yes that would be a challenge it not in a grey bin)!!
CO Jones
At 15:18 on 31st January 2021, CO Jones commented:
We use the dog waste bins when out walking the dog and put the ones she does in the garden down the toilet.

Chicken litter we put in the compost. I am not so sure about cats as we don't have one but YouTube has no end of clips about how to dispose of animal waste other than going to landfill.

For the stuff that has to go in the grey bin animal waste wise, we triple bag with compostable bags and don't get any odour problem's.

At 12:03 on 1st February 2021, poppy6 commented:
Puppy pads for an incontinent, elderly dog perhaps it would be more convenient and less rubbish for the grey bin if she was put down?? Good to know you are using so many poo bags, that's great for the environment. You may be happy with 3 weeks worth of rubbish around the county in the summer and to have to pay for a green bin but most people are not. Our council tax is the biggest monthly bill we have so to have rubbish taken away even fortnightly is poor let alone 3 weekly. Fly tipping will increase but don't worry you will be OK.
CO Jones
At 12:09 on 1st February 2021, CO Jones commented:
I have nothing further to add Poppy. You seem to have the ability to start a fight in an empty room when all I have done is dare to have an opinion that is counter to yours.

It's called democracy.
At 12:26 on 1st February 2021, poppy6 commented:
So my comments are an opinion too and different to yours so likewise!!
Dennis L
At 16:53 on 1st February 2021, Dennis L commented:
Regarding the Neston Tip. Isn't it time that something was done about the awful entrance because I am fed up having to do five point turns with a trailer just to get in and so say many others in the same situation.
The tip entrance worked better the way it was designed and the change round was done on the cheap.
Dennis L
At 16:59 on 1st February 2021, Dennis L commented:
Regarding dog poo rather than take it to an indoor toilet I suggest lifting the grid on the foul gully normally found outside the kitchen sink or toilet ,place the poo but not the bag in the gully and flush with a bucket of water.
Ian B
At 15:31 on 7th February 2021, Ian B commented:
Totally agree with Dennis l regarding the tip entrance. This was done to make it "safer". Speak to the very pleasant staff and they say there never was a problem with safety. Some guy with a clipboard who never uses the tip, decides on changes which are worse for everybody. Besides the very awkward entrance, you can now not see if there is a big queue whereas before you could decide to come later if there was a queue.
Regarding 3 week bin collection and charging for garden waste, do these grossly over paid councillors live on a different planet? They are completely out of touch with the views of residents.

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