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Neston Probus Club

Published: 10th February 2024 20:58

Neston Probus Club, perhaps the second oldest Probus club in the world, is a gentleman's luncheon club for retired and semi-retired men who are sympathetic to the objectives of the club.

The Neston club was formed in 1967, within a year of the first Probus club being formed, and is probably the second oldest in the world. 

Neston Probus Club

It was originally created as a luncheon club for retired managers, professionals and businessmen. However to bring the club more in line with the changes in society; membership was expanded to include retired or partially retired professionals, businessmen and persons who have been engaged in a managerial or supervisory position; or are otherwise deemed to be a suitable applicant.

We are self-funding, independent and exist simply to promote fellowship and social contact between our members. Neston Probus Club is owned by the members, has no charitable objective, is non-profit making and has no affiliation to any political or religious group.

We meet on the second Monday of every month to enjoy lunch followed by an interesting talk from a professional speaker. We meet at the Woodcote Hotel, a privately-owned country house hotel situated in its own grounds in the small village of Hooton on the South Wirral & Cheshire border.


We also hold coffee mornings at Hadlow Road Station which have been a great success - these coffee mornings are in addition to our monthly lunch meetings and allow members to get together in a relaxed atmosphere and enjoy the chance to chat and catch up on other members news. These are a great way to join the members to see what Probus is all about with no commitment.

 Neston Probus Club

Neston Probus Club

In addition to the more semi-formal meeting and coffee mornings, the club has an on-going programme of outings to which the members are invited to bring their partners and guests. In the past, these have included visits to historic buildings, manufacturing processes, flower shows and canal trips.  

Neston Probus Club

If you are a retired or partially retired professional, businessman or person who have been engaged in a managerial or supervisory position and would like to meet new and interesting people - why not join us.

Contact email to be sent FAO The Secretary, to: nestonprobusclub@outlook.com.





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