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NC&YC - Room Hire Rates

Published: 3rd August 2009 14:31

Neston Community & Youth Centre offers competitively-priced rooms of various sizes that will suit a wide range of activities, classes and meetings.

NC&YCAll prices quoted are hourly rates.  Daily rates and discounts are available for long-term contracts. To discuss your requirements, please call 0151 336 7805 and ask for Helen Barrie.

Community/Voluntary Hourly Rates

These rates apply for classes, training and workshops and small non-profit community groups:

 Room  Size  £ per hour 
 Youth Zone 75sqm  15.00 
 Learning Room 1 40sqm 10.00
 Learning Room 2 40sqm  10.00
 Learning Room 3 40sqm 10.00
 I.T.Suite 40sqm 15.00
 Meeting Room 1 22sqm  6.00
 Meeting Room 2 14sqm  6.00


Commerical Hourly Rates

These rates apply to commercial organisations and private parties:

 Room  Size  £ per hour 
 Youth Zone 75sqm  30.00 
 Learning Room 1 40sqm 20.00
 Learning Room 2 40sqm  20.00
 Learning Room 3 40sqm 20.00
 I.T.Suite 40sqm 25.00
 Meeting Room 1 22sqm 12.00
 Meeting Room 2 14sqm 12.00


Neston Community & Youth Centre
Burton Road
CH64 9RE
Tel: 0151 336 7805


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