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Neston Youth Zone - What's On and When

Published: 5th May 2015 10:03

Here's what is available for young people at Neston Community & Youth Centre.

Neston Youth Club - New Timetable


7.00pm - 9.00pm : Seniorz Youth Club (14-16 years). Cost £1.


5.00pm - 6.00pm : Mini Zone - a singing/music session aimed at the younger age group of 5yrs - 11yrs. This session will focus on developing skills in group singing, rhythm & harmony work. (with a view to progress to the older group, see below). £2.50 per session.

7.00pm - 9.00pm : Music Zone - a project aiming to engage & inspire young people through music, giving them a platform to explore their talents with professional mentors on hand. Throughout the project, there will be different skilled practitioners delivering a workshop in their specialised area. An opportunity for creative & talented young people to learn new skills in different areas of music. Ages 11-18. £3 per session.


5.00pm - 7.00pm : InterACT Youth Theatre. Visit the website for details.

7.00pm - 9.00pm : Juniors Youth Club (11-15 years). Cost £1. Run by Neston Parish Church/Youth in the Community.


5.00pm - 6.00pm : Hip & Harmony Streetdance.  Visit the website for details.

7.00pm - 9.00pm : Sports For All. Free, run by Neston Parish Church/Youth in the Community.


Neston Community & Youth Centre
Burton Road
CH64 9RE
Tel: 0151 336 7805

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