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Neston residents to bite back over Mosquito Sanctuary

Published: 1st April 2011 00:01

Neston & Parkgate residents are in uproar over signs establishing a mosquito sanctuary at Parkgate Marsh.

Parkgate Mosquito SanctuarySigns are going up along Parkgate front to announce the new Mosquito
The discovery of a species of mosquito thought to have been extinct since prehistory has brought about sweeping changes to plans to deal with the Parkgate Marsh pest problem.

The genus of mosquito, laevus fatua, was stumbled upon by students from Liverpool's School of Tropical Medicine whilst on a recent field trip to Parkgate.

Seth Brundle, Professor of Entomology at the School, labelled the discovery "astounding" and as providing "an extraordinary and unique research opportunity for the fields of entomology, medicine & palaeontology.

Parkgate Mosquito SanctuaryLaevus fatua

"Not since encountering the previously-believed extinct Coelocanth in 1938 has such an incredible discovery been made. It challenges scientific preconceptions about extinction, and the ability of species to survive, adapting to environmental changes over time."

The news comes as a shock to local residents who in recent years have been plagued by mosquitoes that breed on and around Parkgate Marsh. Authorities have rushed through 'endangered species' status for the rediscovered genus, which is to result in immediate and sweeping changes for Parkgate & Neston.

Draconian measures

The sale- or use- of pesticides, insecticides or substances harmful to mosquitoes is to be prohibited within a three mile radius of Parkgate front.  Council plans to install bat boxes have been mothballed and the World Wildlife Authority has commenced urgent consultation with the RSPB to arrange for the relocation of the indigenous bird population which poses a natural threat to mosquitoes.

In an attempt to mitigate predicted local resistance to the preservation order, the council has approved the funding of free, mosquito-friendly, bite soothing balm - an oil extracted from the Citronella plant via the Rapid Flow Distillation system. 

The RapFlo Oil® is being bulk produced for free distribution to residents of the area via local chemists - which have been instructed to remove all previous mosquito remedies from their shelves.

Parkgate Mosquito SanctuaryIt is hoped that the free provision of RapFlo Oil® will allay the fears of residents over the creation of a new Mosquito Sanctuary at Parkgate.

Signs are in the process of being erected along Parkgate Front - and it is hoped that the habitat of the rediscovered insect can be an economic boon to the area, attracting mosquito-spotters and creating a new market of mosquito-related merchandise, including 'I Love Mosquitos' t.shirts which will be available shortly at Nicholl's.

Local resident Gerald Stanfield said today: "I have lived here for over twenty years and been plagued by these creatures throughout that time.

"My wife and I were walking the dog just yesterday and were staggered to see the signs going up on the front at Parkgate. These draconian measures are clearly bureacracy gone mad. 

"We've even been told that there will be a ban on using citronella candles in our own garden! We are going to fight this all the way."

A hastily organised pressure group, tentatively entitled 'Buzz Off',  is to make representations to the council, strenuously opposing the developments.  A spokesperson said: "We had an alternative name in mind but decided that approach probably wouldn't get us anywhere."

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At 07:28 on 1st April 2011, ** commented:
"Laevus fatua"

Love it.
roger f
At 09:17 on 1st April 2011, roger f commented:
I would just like to make everyone aware that this situation regarding the find of this precious mosquito "laevus fatua" has been known about for a long time along with the other strain, "Puerilis Stultus" and was found a year ago today, we were all told that the dredging of the marshes and the ponds were to help get rid of the mosquitoes but we have all been fooled, it was an undercover operation to find out more about these two species of the early 1930`s. and now we are in a situation where the mosquitoes have priority over everthing else, it won`t stop here, we have to act fast as a community, act today to stop this foolishness before it is too late.
At 09:39 on 1st April 2011, , commented:
We should all do our bit to preserve these endangered creatures so their population can spread further around Neston.

Everyone should dig a small pond in their gardens and fill it with reeds and similar to make remote breeding grounds for these wonderful creatures.

Why should Parkgate again be the only area to benefit from this find.

For any mosquito spotters out there I have a top tip. if you want to attract the creatures I recommend wearing sleeveless T-shirts in the late eveining and sitting still in your garden. You can usually attract several hunderd of them on your arms and study them really close. Use the Rapflo oil afterwards and everything will be fine !
At 16:34 on 1st April 2011, jh commented:
I feel I am missing out. Where I live in Parkgate I do not meet mozzies. Perhaps I should arrange a house swap!

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