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Wirral Entrepreneur Andrew Smith Plans Charity Trip to Sierra Leone

Published: 4th February 2014 09:00

Neston's Andrew Smith is off to Sierra Leone and will be sharing a report of his journey with AboutMyArea CH64 readers. 

Andrew's Estates - Build Sell Give(l-r) Nic Phipps, Andrew Smith and Neston Sales Manager Tom
Bates at the launch of Build Sell Give.

On 7th February 2014 Andrews Smith, Managing Director of Wirral and Cheshire based Andrew's Estates, will head to Sierra Leone to offer support to OAKS (Overseas Aid for the Kids of Sierra Leone), a charity that built and now operates a primary school for underprivileged children in the region.

During the week long visit, Andrew and other benefactors of the charity, will meet the locals and town elders, as well as helping out with a sports day at the school that their donations help to run. The visitors will also personally deliver some much needed donations to the growing educational facility.

Andrew has donated a massive £7,500 to OAKS already, as a result of his involvement in an initiative called Build - Sell - Give. The Build - Sell - Give programme was established when Andrew's Estates began to work in partnership with property developer Harry Phipps & Company on the development and sale of new homes in the Wirral area. Both builder and agent pledged to give 50% of their commission on these jobs to charitable endeavours.

Half of the sizeable donation has remained locally, with funds allocated to support a number of youth charities and organisations, predominately in the Neston CH64 area. For example, a portion of the money has been used to purchase two defibrillator machines for the Joseph Windsor Heart Trust (registered charity number 1153695). One of these life saving pieces of equipment has been placed in the local youth centre, with the other gifted to the public of Neston and held in the Andrew's Estates Neston office, which is centrally located and open 7 days a week. The other half of the money, which was generously matched with a donation made by Nic Phipps of Harry Phipps & Company, was donated to OAKS.

Nic is a trustee of the charity and was responsible for building the school back in 2007. The school, based in the area of Tikonko Chiefdom in Sierra Leone has been a huge success and the charity hopes to build an additional classroom later this year.

Andrew Smith is a young entrepreneur and a veteran of The British Army's parachute regiment. At just 31-years-old he recently celebrated the opening of the third office in his estate agency practice, when Little Sutton welcomed the arrival of Andrew's Estates earlier in January. Of his charitable giving Andrew said:

"It is important to me that Andrew's Estates be a valuable member of the community, so offering help, where we can, is something that this company will always strive to do. The Build - Sell - Give programme has allowed Nic and I to build our charitable giving directly into our business model. I'm grateful for the opportunity to be able to help with such well organised and deserving projects and I would urge other business owners to consider setting up similar schemes.

"I am hugely looking forward to my upcoming trip to Sierra Leone. It will be great to get a deeper sense of how the school operates and what it needs. Of course it will also be fantastic to meet the children and take part in sports day!"

Andrew will be keeping a diary of his trip and will share the experience through his words and photos on his return.

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