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Celebrations of the 150th Anniversary of Hadlow Road Station

Author: Ged Weeden Published: 15th November 2016 10:59

Hadlow Road Station in Willaston opened on the branch line which connected Hooton to Parkgate on 1st October 1866.

Hadlow Road Station 150th anniversaryNeston High Students dressed for the occasion.

Many Friends of Hadlow Road Station and visitors to the station gathered on a wet 1st October 2016 to see a recreation of a scene from those days with actors racing through a cloud of steam to the sounds of steam trains busy at work along the line. One train sounded like it was leaving the platform and it seemed the actors from Neston High School had arrived too late; we all hoped they caught a later train!

Hadlow Road Station 150th anniversaryIn character: 'Victorial travellers' arrive at the platform.

The Right Honourable Justin Madders MP officially opened the afternoon's commemorative celebrations.

Following his speech and throughout the afternoon we had performances by the Chester City Brass Band, Hadlow Green Singers, Mersey Morris Men, Duo of Harmonies and Simon le Barber.

Hadlow Road Station 150th anniversaryJustin Madders MP formally opened proceedings.

Inside the signal box a display of model trains was hosted by Merseyside Model Railway Society.

Further along the platform away from the performers, a plaque to commemorate the 150th was unveiled by Mr Terry Robinson, the first resident of the Station Masters House after the railway was dismantled and the Wirral Way opened.

Hadlow Road Station 150th anniversaryTerry Robinson prepares to unveil the plaque.

Hadlow Road Station 150th anniversary

Inside the waiting room in the newly refurbished kitchen, volunteers worked tirelessly to supply an army of visitors and performers with teas, cakes and other refreshments. Thankfully there were some gazebos to shelter under and many of the visitors were kept dry.

Bunting was evident all around the station, along the platforms and in the waiting areas, it was a fantastic afternoon, despite the weather. The car park was converted and short excursions in a steam traction engine were provided for all those who could ride in the carriages. A coconut shy and a number of other games were provided for visitors to enjoy and even though everyone got wet, a lot of fun was had by all.

Hadlow Road Station 150th anniversary

Since this event the Station Café has been inspected and given a food hygiene rating of 5 stars. In celebration brunches were served to passers-by on 30th October and the smell of coffee and bacon sandwiches from the kitchen and along the platform was wonderful.

More kitchen opening dates are planned in the near future including; 27th November and 29th January. Why not come and visit us?

We're also excited to have heard that Santa is again able to make a drop-in visit to his Signal Box Grotto and we know he'll be there waiting to meet everyone on 11th December starting from 1pm. The event runs from 1pm to 4pm, entry by pre-purchased tickets including entertainment, refreshments including mince pies and mulled wine and lots to do for the children. Please contact us through our Facebook page or ring Chris on 0151 327 4511.


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