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Make a Change - Become a Town Councillor

Published: 3rd July 2019 09:23

Neston Town Council is calling on residents, passionate about their community to stand as Ward Councillors.

There are currently four vacancies, one each for Neston and Little Neston Wards and two for Parkgate.

What do councillors do?

Councillors are the champions of their community and give residents a voice on the decisions the council makes. Becoming a councillor will allow you to make a real difference in your community by engaging with residents, local groups and businesses to find out their needs; making decisions on which services and projects the council should take forward; getting involved locally to ensure the services are meeting your community's needs.

How much time out of my day will it take?

The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) Local Councillor Census Survey found that councillors put aside, on average, three hours a week for council work. This often includes attending meetings, engaging with residents and speaking on behalf of the council to other bodies.

This is an unpaid position.

Can I stand?

There are only a few rules to stand for election. You must be:

  • A British citizen, or a citizen of the Commonwealth, or the European Union;
  • 18 years of age or older;
  • Live in an area that is served by a local council.

How can I get involved, how can I find out more?

Contact Mrs A Kunaj on 0151 353 1407 or visit Neston Town Council at Neston Town Hall.  You can check us out on our website www.neston.org.uk and you will find the link to the application by clicking:

If you would like to be considered by the Council for co-option, please complete an application form. This will help members of the Council in making nominations from which to select a new member of the Council.

The deadline for return of the co-option application form will vary and is on the application form.

Please note that all information contained in Part 1 of the application will be published in the same manner as other documents for consideration at a meeting of the Council and be available to the public at the Council's office and on its website.


Neston Town Hall


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Susan C
At 11:42 on 3rd July 2019, Susan C commented:
I think the article needs to make clear the difference between a town councillor and a borough councilor (CWaC).
I am aware that some people over past years have decided to become town councillors and been disappointed as to how restricted the position is. From my recollection, its main useful task is giving out grants and running the market.
Perhaps a revamping of the web-site would be a good idea to promote the image, it's looked exactly the the same for several years.
Dave Carter
At 12:50 on 3rd July 2019, Dave Carter commented:
Having been a town councillor for several years, I must admit I didn't know those rules (the red bullet points). And I am disappointed by the first. Surely it shouldn't matter where someone is a citizen of, as long as they have the right to reside in Neston.
Susan C
At 19:01 on 3rd July 2019, Susan C commented:
As a matter of interest, could we be informed how many Neston Town Councillors have resigned over the last three years?
Dave Carter
At 19:20 on 3rd July 2019, Dave Carter commented:
Well you did and I didn't. Not really sure what your point is though Susan.
Susan C
At 19:32 on 3rd July 2019, Susan C commented:
No point as such (yet) David, just simply requesting information.
Susan C
At 09:27 on 17th July 2019, Susan C commented:
No response to my query as to how many town councillors have resigned over last three years? I rather think that a surprising number have given up on the task, and has the question been asked as to why, and why there are still so many vacancies.
Dave Carter
At 11:50 on 17th July 2019, Dave Carter commented:
When did you ask them Susan?
Susan C
At 12:58 on 17th July 2019, Susan C commented:
Dave, not sure who 'them' is, but as this medium is being used to reauest councillor applications, I did think an interesting constructive dialogue might have ensued.
I would respectfully suggest that there may quite possibly be some interesting reason why several members give up before their term is over.
At 13:32 on 17th July 2019, Grumpy.Old.Git commented:
Link to co-option forms doesn’t work.

In addition to the grants and the market doesn’t it also run the town hall.
Dave Carter
At 14:13 on 17th July 2019, Dave Carter commented:
If I wanted to know how many Town Councillors have resigned over the last three years I would ask the Town Council. Of those that did resign, I don't have statistics, but I think the majority did so either because they were moving away, or because of a change in employment meaning they could not attend meetings.

The link to the co-option application form works on the Town Council website, the one here doesn't as Grumpy.Old.Git says, and the reason is that there should be a hyphen between the two "o"s in co-option. Not sure how that got lost, the rest of the text appears to be exactly the same on the two sites.

The Town Council does not own the Town Hall, but it manages it under a management agreement which CW&C (the owners) have only agreed to extend for one more year.

The Town Council does own the allotments.
Katie Robson
At 15:44 on 17th July 2019, Katie Robson responded:
Link fixed, it was originally posted as supplied in the press release from NTC.

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