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Surfing the Wave of Hope in a Window Near You

Published: 3rd June 2021 08:59

Neston Fairtrade Town Group are proud to be supporting the Wave of Hope campaign across the CH64 area.

Wave of Hope

The UK are hosting the G7 Summit 11 - 13 June and the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) will be held in November.

Together with 70+ organisations and people around the UK, The Fairtrade movement is calling on world leaders to crack the crises of COVID, injustice, climate change and nature loss. You can find out more on the crackthecrises.org website.

Wave of Hope

To join thousands of others around the UK in a Wave of Hope, you can:

gather old cereal boxes and/or paper
draw/trace/print/paint a hand or hands on it
add a message of hope
take a photo and share online
display in a window at home
check out the digital gallery
keep the wave going by keeping in touch with others
sign the Wave Of Hope petition

Our local volunteers will put a display of information and hands in the windows at Neston Methodist Church and Community Centre in June. They would welcome contributions of hands if you would be happy to drop through the letterbox at the church please (Park Street, Neston).

Neston Fairtrade Town Group

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