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Neston Fairtrade Town Group Speak Up For Climate Justice

Author: Margaret Heibel Published: 18th August 2021 10:33

It's shocking and unfair that the wealthiest 10% of people, produce 50% of global carbon emissions.

Centuries of exploitation of people and the planet by the wealthy has caused the climate emergency and extreme global inequality, which is leaving millions unable to earn enough to adapt to the rapidly changing weather.

Farmers and workers are telling us that faster action on mitigating climate change is needed if the products they produce are to have a sustainable future.


Fairtrade has always believed that there is no climate justice without trade justice. Choosing to buy Fairtrade products supports higher incomes so that farmers can spend the extra money on projects adapting to climate change such as tree planting, irrigation, crop diversification and clean energy.

With the critical United Nations climate summit (COP26) coming to Glasgow in November the Fairtrade Foundation have joined the Climate Coalition Great Big Green Week to speak up. The Fairtrade Foundation are demanding that politicians take action and create a $100 billion climate fund which the communities most affected by climate change, experiencing droughts, rampant plant diseases and more frequent natural disasters, can use to adapt and build sustainable futures.

Neston Fairtrade Town Group are pleased to be supporting the Great Big Green Sponsored Walk on Saturday 25 September, by providing free Fairtrade refreshments to local walkers. The money raised is going to help projects in less developed countries to tackle the effects of climate change. More details and sponsorship forms are available from Lynne Vaughan, by emailing her at lynnevneston@gmail.com.


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Dennis L
At 14:41 on 25th August 2021, Dennis L commented:
Climate Change we can do nothing about. The problem is with greenhouse gasses damaging the ozone layer by creating a hole so our farmers are doing the right thing by planting crops, trees etc that will absorb the CO2 and give off oxygen to reduce the size of the hole.

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