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Neston Primary School Jump for Joy as Ofsted Reconfirms Good Status

Published: 30th November 2021 21:37

Pupils and staff at Neston Primary School are jumping for joy after being rated ‘Good' in their most recent Ofsted inspection.

Neston Primary School Jump for Joy as Ofsted Reconfirms Good Status

Neston Primary School Jump for Joy as Ofsted Reconfirms Good Status

It follows a two-day visit in September, in which Inspectors said: "Pupils play together happily and participate in lessons with confidence and enthusiasm. Their positive behaviour makes a strong contribution to the friendly atmosphere of the school." and "Neston Primary School continues to be a good school".

The team at Neston Primary School, is led by Headteacher Rob Golding, who said: "We are absolutely delighted that the school's wonderful community, strong teaching, happy children and engaging curriculum were recognised by Ofsted. We feel that the outcome reflects the hard work of the whole school community - parents, staff, Governors and pupils - all of whom work together to make Neston Primary School such a fantastic school for the children of Neston".

Neston Primary School Jump for Joy as Ofsted Reconfirms Good Status

Mr Golding continues: "We are proud to maintain our Good Ofsted result, which is a real testament to the hard work and dedication of our teachers and staff. We have high expectations of our students and we're committed to providing a supportive, nurturing environment where everyone can learn and achieve."

The report states: "Pupils develop their knowledge and skills across an interesting and ambitious curriculum. They are well equipped to continue learning in the next stage of their education. Parents, carers and pupils value the opportunities for pupils' wider development and enrichment activities."

Neston Primary School Jump for Joy as Ofsted Reconfirms Good Status

Lead inspector Jean Olsson-Law also highlighted that the: "Pupils have a wealth of opportunities to take part in activities beyond the classroom. They make positive contributions to the school and the local community. For example, they raise money for charities and support older residents by, for example, writing letters to them.

"Pupils enjoy many enrichment opportunities, such as outdoor education, street dancing and trips out. Leaders make sure that all pupils can access all activities."

The Ofsted report noted the: "School's broad curriculum promotes pupils' wider development highly effectively. The school's work to promote pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is of high quality."

Mr Golding added: "Like all schools, we have faced challenging times over the past 20 months and I would like to thank everyone in our school community for their energy, hard work and commitment to the children we serve."

The full report can be read online on Ofsted's website.

Neston Primary School Jump for Joy as Ofsted Reconfirms Good Status


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