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Neston Group Express Thanks for a Successful Fundraiser for Traidcraft Exchange

Author: Margaret Heibel Published: 22nd March 2022 16:55

The Neston Fairtrade Town Group's Big Brew Fundraiser at Neston Methodist Church and Community Centre's Welcome Cafe raised £125 for Traidcraft Exchange.

Many thanks to all the people who called in for light bites, coffee, tea and cake, viewed the Traidcraft information display and made purchases from the Traidcraft stall run by Hazel Blundell, Traidcraft representative for Little Neston Methodist Church.

The proceeds to support Traidcraft Exchange development projects in India, Bangladesh, Kenya, Tanzania and Senegal. These help farmers build resilience against climate change and ensure that they receive fair incomes for their work.

Traidcraft Exchange Big Brew

The stall on fundraising day.

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