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Fairtrade Easter Eggs Make Their Way to the Cheshire West Food Bank

Author: Margaret Heibel Published: 11th April 2022 20:34

Neston Fairtrade Group donated twelve Fairtrade Easter eggs, produced by the Meaningful Chocolate Company, to Cheshire West Food Bank at Sainsbury's, Neston.

Lucy Edmonds, Customer Experience Manager at Sainsbury's, expressed her appreciation for the donation. She said: "With many families in our community facing increasing financial challenges due to unemployment, a surge in energy, food prices, etc, food banks continue to play a vital role, relieving immediate pressure by providing food and support."

Lucy Edmonds receives Food Bank donation from Irene Hilton-Ward, Neston Fairtrade Group.Lucy Edmonds receives Food Bank donation from Irene Hilton-Ward, Neston Fairtrade Group.

The Faitrade Mark guarantees that farmers and producers in the the poorest global communities are paid a fair price and have safer working conditions. Our consumer choices can directly improve their lives, enabling children to attend school and medical clinics to be established.

The Fairtrade system also pays a social premium directly to the community, who decide how it should be spent (e.g. school books, solar panels and fresh water supplies).

For more Information you may visit the Meaningful Chocolate website (meaningfulchocolate.co.uk/fairtrade) or Fairtrade (fairtrade.org.uk) websites.

The website westcheshire.foodbank.org.uk is a great local resource. Or you may wish to email the Neston Fairtrade Group, by email, to margaret@heibel.co.uk.


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