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Make Your Neston Views Heard at Joint Police and Town Council Surgeries

Published: 5th December 2023 22:57

Meet with local police and councillors at Neston Library for these regular sessions where you may share your concerns.

CREDIT: Bernard Rose PhotographyCREDIT: Bernard Rose Photography

Do you have anything you want to raise with the local police or town council team?

Neston Town Council hold regular Councillor Surgeries in conjunction with our local police, at Neston Library. Please see below the upcoming dates:

  • Friday 22 December 5.30 to 6.30 pm
  • Wednesday 27 Dec - No Surgery
  • Tuesday 2 January 2024 - 5.30 to 6.30 pm
  • Friday 12 Jan - 5.30 to 6.30 pm
  • Wednesfay 17 Jan - 2 to 3 pm
  • Tuesday 23 Jan - 5.30 to 6.30 pm
  • Friday 2 February -  5.30 to - 6.30 pm
  • Wednesday 7 Feb - 2 to 3 pm
  • Tuesday 13 Feb - 5.30 to 6.30 pm
  • Friday 23 Feb - 5.30 to 6.30 pm
  • Wednesday 28 Feb - 2 to 3 pm
  • Tuesday 5 March - 5.30 to 6.30 pm
  • Friday 15 March - 5.30 to 6.30 pm

Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) Coach Eric Harwood, says: "We are here to help. If needed, you can also contact us via our social media Facebook page."

Neston Town Council said: "Further dates and more information will be posted on our website neston.org.uk.

"Residents are welcome to attend if they have any matters that they would like to discuss with Neston Town Council or to bring matters to the Councillors attention, or just for a general chat about our town.

"Many local issues, such as waste collection, highways issues, transport and street lighting are dealt with by Cheshire West and Chester Council; however, Neston Town Council would be happy to discuss the matters that matter to you.

"So why not pop along, the councillors are looking forward to meeting you."

Local police are stationed at Neston Police Station, Neston Town Hall, High Street CH64 9TR. PCSO Coach Harwood is contactable on email to eric.harwood@cheshire.pnn.police.uk or by telephone 01606 362530 or mobile 07989 655796.



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