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Private Eye Cartoonist Tony Husband's Dementia Cartoons Live On

Published: 30th November 2023 20:24

Award-winning Tony Husband, who famously drew sixty cartoons a week and chronicled dementia, passed away in October.

Tony, a Private Eye cartoonist, died last month at the age of 73. 

By Cartoonist Tony Husband.

The owner of Chapel House Care in Puddington, Admiral Nurse Cathrina Moore, has fond memories of the famous cartoonist, after having known Tony for a number of years.

Tony, who wrote a book called ‘Take Care, Son. The story of my dad and his dementia', had created a number of cartoons for the Admiral Nurse Service run by the non-profit subsidiary of Chapel House Care.

By Cartoonist Tony Husband.

Cathrina, said: "Tony was a brilliant artist and he used his personal experience of his dad's dementia to publish a book of cartoons on the illness. He also connected to carers and those living with the disease.

"He created a number of designs for our carers' cards and we loved them all. He will be much missed.

"The cards are a reminder to families supporting a loved one with dementia symptoms that they are appreciated and valued. Our Admiral Nurses meet so many amazing families and we feel it's important to recognise their amazing compassion and commitment to others."

Find out more about Chapel House Care on their website: chapelhouse.care.





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