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Introducing the Newly Appointed Headteacher of Neston High School

Published: 30th November 2023 21:27

Ms Cunningham brings a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of the school's strengths and areas for growth.

Neston High School has expressed delight on announcing the appointment of Ms K Cunningham as the new Headteacher.

Ms Cunningham brings a wealth of experience and a strong commitment to fostering a positive and inclusive learning environment. Expressing enthusiasm about the role, the new Headteacher stated: "I am so thrilled to be appointed as Headteacher of Neston High School. I feel extremely honoured and privileged to have been chosen to continue to develop this fantastic school onto the next stage of its journey."

Introducing the Newly Appointed Headteacher of Neston High School

As a parent with a daughter currently studying at University, Ms Cunningham emphasizes the importance of happiness and attaining one's potential. This philosophy is central to the vision and values of Neston High School where students are supported to not only be academically successful but also thrive socially.

Having joined Neston in 2012 as Assistant Headteacher and subsequently serving as Deputy Headteacher for the past six years, Ms Cunningham brings a deep understanding of the school's strengths and areas for growth. With a dedicated and talented staff team, as well as exceptional students, Neston provides a solid foundation for leadership.

With over twenty-five years of experience in education, Ms Cunningham firmly believes in comprehensive, inclusive education as the best way to nurture young minds. The needs of the students are paramount, and she is committed to providing exciting, creative, and meaningful learning experiences that ignite enthusiasm for learning and contribute to positive growth and development

A strong advocate for parental involvement, Ms Cunningham aims to build a whole school community based on mutual respect and positive relationships. A strong emphasis is placed on the importance of working in partnership with parents to create a positive and rewarding school experience for every child.

To facilitate open communication, school will be sending out a parent's questionnaire in the coming weeks, seeking honest feedback to help shape the school's vision for the future.





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Dennis L
At 10:56 on 7th December 2023, Dennis L commented:
Neston High School has come a long way since it was founded in 2012 with pride in having attended by both old and new pupils alike. The bullying of swots has been largely overcome by streaming. Although the GCSE/ A Level results are not as good as in the grammar schools that does not matter so long as the pupils achieve their full potential so as to find work on leaving school. Its motto could be 'Strength in success'.

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