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Christmas 2023 Church Services in the CH64 Area

Published: 7th December 2023 18:05

These are the Church Services due to take place locally, over the festive period.

Neston District Churches Together have compiled a list of church services happening over the festive period Christmas 2023.

St Mary and St Helen Parish Church

Thursday 14 December - 7pm Blue Christmas service
Sunday 17 Dec - 6.30pm Festival of nine lessons and carols
Tuesday 19 Dec - 3pm Outdoor Carols in Blue Bicycle courtyard
Wednesday 20 Dec - 7.30pm ‘Christmas by Candlelight' with Wirral Chamber Music
Sunday 24 Dec - 10am Holy Communion ; 4pm Crib Service ; 11.15pm Midnight Sung Eucharist
Monday 25 Dec - 8am Holy Communion; 10.30am Sung Eucharist
Sunday 31 Dec - 10am United Sung Eucharist

Christmas 2023 Church Services in the CH64 Area

Christmas 2023 Church Services in the CH64 Area

St Michael's Church, Little Neston

Wednesday 20 December - 7pm Carols at St Michael
Sunday 24 Dec - No Services
Monday 25 Dec - 9.30am Holy Communion
Sunday 31 Dec - No Services

Christmas 2023 Church Services in the CH64 Area

St Thomas Church, Parkgate

Tuesday 12 Dec - 6.30pm outdoor Carols at St Thomas
Sunday 24 Dec - No Services
Monday 25 Dec - 9.30am Holy Communion
Sunday 31 Dec - No Services

Christmas 2023 Church Services in the CH64 Area

Find below a snapshot of all of the church services happening at local churches (click on the image to view a clearer PDF version):

Christmas 2023 Church Services in the CH64 Area





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