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The Original North West Rotakids Group Celebrates Ten Year Anniversary

Published: 1st February 2024 22:14

The North-West's first Rotakids group, Neston Primary School, celebrates its milestone tenth anniversary.

Neston is home to both the Neston Primary School Rotakids and also, Woodfall Primary School Rotakids.

Neston Primary School, tells us: "In December 2013, Neston Rotarians David and Steve, approached Neston Primary School with the view of setting up the first Northwest Rotakid initiative. On January 11th 2014, this vision was realized by the hard work of Neston Primary Teaching Assistant, Rachel Muskett.

"Over it's 10 years of operations, Neston Primary's Rotakids has had 220 members and supported 22 charities. The work of the Rotakids at Neston Primary School has supported local and global communities in ventures such as hamper-laden Christmas visits to Hallword Court Care Home and sending vital equipment to schools in Gambia. Over the years, the committed Rotakids have planted wildflower seeds, litter picked in their community and are a regular fixture at Neston's Remembrance Sunday, placing their wreath on the Cenotaph. In additionally, they have raised over £7600 for charity."

Rachel Muskett, Neston Primary School Rotakids Co-ordinator, being thanked for her hard work.Rachel Muskett, Neston Primary School Rotakids Co-ordinator, being thanked for her hard work.

"Rotakids has helped the children to develop their confidence, which helps them to succeed in school", said Rachel, who has spear-head the work of Rotakids. She, continues: "It also develops their knowledge and understanding of the needs of others, through researching and supporting different charities. The children have so many opportunities, this can be by visiting and meeting people from the local community, or by raising awareness of worldwide issues through fundraising or assemblies. We are looking forward to seeing what more we can achieve in the next 10 years!!."

Current Neston Primary School Rotakids team.Current Neston Primary School Rotakids team.

The Anniversary evening, which took place at school on 25th January, saw current and former Rotakids coming together with local Rotarians to celebrate and reflect on their achievements over the last decade with proud staff, Governors and parents sharing in the celebrations

Woodfall celebrates Rotakids' ten-year anniversary.

On Monday 22 January, Woodfall Primary School were: "... thrilled to celebrate our 10 year anniversary of working with the Rotary Club with our Rotakids programme.

"It was lovely to see so many people at our coffee morning where we raised an additional £225 for Maggies.

"On the day we were joined by Rotakids, old and new, with their parents, grandparents and friends as well as David Bridgen from the Rotary Club who helped us set up our Rotakids 10 years ago."

Woodfall celebrates Rotakids' ten-year anniversary.







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