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Please Remove Christmas Wreaths from Neston Cemetery

Published: 4th February 2024 20:29

Grave owners and visitors are asked to remove all Christmas tributes and wreaths, by Sunday 11 February. 

Please Remove Christmas Wreaths from Neston Cemeterystock imageTo allow ongoing maintenance of the cemeteries and crematorium grounds managed by Cheshire West and Chester Council, grave owners and visitors are asked to remove all Christmas tributes and wreaths by Sunday, 11 February.

Anyone who wishes to dispose of or keep their Christmas tributes should remove them from the cemetery grounds and burial plots by this date. Cemetery staff will then begin to remove any remaining Christmas tributes from Monday, 12 February.

The reason for the removal of the tributes is to allow grass cutting to take place from early March.

Wreaths and tributes will be removed from the grounds of Neston Cemetery in Neston, as well as Blacon Cemetery / Chester crematorium in Chester.

At Chester Crematorium, Christmas tributes and any other memorial items not issued by the Council which have been placed in the Garden of Remembrance areas, and also adjacent to the Book of Remembrance Room, will be removed from Monday, 15 February. This is to ensure that these areas can be enjoyed as peaceful areas of contemplation by everyone.

The Council's Cabinet Member for Homes, Planning and Safer Communities, Councillor Christine Warner said: "The Council understands that the removal of Christmas tributes is extremely sensitive and this is why grave owners and visitors are being given early notice, so that they may remove their own Christmas tribute should they wish."

The Council does not remove wreaths from private churchyards.





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