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Buy Local Homemade Produce from Willaston Country Market on Saturdays

Published: 7th February 2024 22:00

Weekly Willaston Country Market reopens this Saturday, 10 February.

The market will be back in The Memorial Hall, 9.30 am to 11.30 am on Saturdays.  

Willaston Country Market

All of the usual baked goods for sale including cakes, fruit pies, cookies, organic bread, pasties, meat pies and quiches. There will also be homemade preserves, marmalade, jams and chutneys.

Lots of good quality, home grown plants and seasonal veg, plus crafts.

Organisers are on the look out for a baker. If you are or you know somebody who may be interested, please get in touch.

If customers want specific goods we encourage pre-ordering by contacting Jackie Jenkins on 0151 721 6285, or email to jackiejenkins1896@gmail.com.



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