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Litter Pick Event Organised by Friends of Marshlands Eco Park

Published: 19th February 2024 20:35

The newly formed community Friends group wants to get the open space on Marshlands Road all cleared up. 

The Friends of Marshlands Eco Park wants to take care of the empty park/field off Marshlands Road in Little Neston.

Ashlea O'Neill, Chair of the Friends group, told us: "Our aim is the conservation and restoration of the Park into an Eco Park, suitable for the whole community. There will be something for everyone and fully [accessible].

"We are still in the early stages of establishing a group and we have a lot of fundraising ahead before we can create any plans.

"In order to gain community interest and some new volunteer members we are hosting a litter pick."

Litter Pick Event Organised by Friends of Marshlands Eco Park

The details of the litter picking event  are on the poster and can be found on Facebook: @friendsofmarshlandsecopark.





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