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This International Women's Day The Neston Club are Hosting an Action-packed Day of Activities

Published: 19th February 2024 21:08

The Neston Club, says: "Be inspired by the women around you; we encourage members to try something new!"

On International Women's Day, Friday, 8 March, The Neston Club is aiming to remove the stigma around male-dominated sports.

The day will kick off with a bowls and croquet tournaments, led by Sport Development Officer, Emma Nokes. That will be followed by a cardio tennis session for women looking to get into Tennis.

This International Women's Day The Neston Club are Hosting an Action-packed Day of Activities

Level 3 Coach and ex-rugby player for England A, Sarah Jones, will be leading a tag rugby session open to women of all abilities and ages. Women can also take advantage of an ‘intro to weightlifting' class led by a local personal trainer, and a self-defence class designed to teach new skills, enabling women to feel confident and safe.

Female club members will also be taking over the club's social media channels over the week (from Monday 4 March) showcasing the fantastic female members of the club - from firefighters to marathon runners to court judges.

This International Women's Day The Neston Club are Hosting an Action-packed Day of Activities

Event Manager, Courtney Roberts, said: "It's great to work for a company that has so many women in senior roles & we have all collaborated to put together a great day of events. Our aim is to shine a light on sports that are male dominated & build women's confidence to try something new with the help of our qualified instructors. The response has been fantastic & lots of the activities are already getting booked up!

"Ladies sport at The Neston Club has been growing over the past 2 years. Our women's cricket team was launched post covid and has grown rapidly with the team winning the league & tournaments last year. As women's participation grows at the club we've also been fortunate enough to host National events such as the Women's County Cricket Finals taking place this year!"

If you're interested in becoming a member of the club and getting involved in new sports, contact The Neston Club, by email to enquiries@thenestonclub.co.uk or sign up via the smartclubcloud website.

The award-winning club, which celebrated its 140 year anniversary in 2021, offers wonderful sporting facilities and social activities for members of all ages. Their brand new fitness studio also offers classes such as Body Conditioning Fitness, Pilates, Tai Chi and Yoga.




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