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Young People Aged Twelve to Sixteen Invited to Find Out More

Published: 20th February 2024 20:00

The 2375 (Neston) Squadron of the Royal Air Force Air Cadets to host an information evening for young people. 

Neston Air Cadets is once again opening its doors to welcome young people to the next information evening, on Tuesday 27 February.

If you know a young person aged twelve and in Year 8 (or above) at school, why not take them along to find out more. Please note that new recruits must join before their seventeenth birthday.

The next information evening will be on Tuesday 27 February starting at 7.30 pm, held at the the base at Tanks Field, Church Lane, Neston CH64 9UT.Young People Aged Twelve to Sixteen Invited to Find Out More

Fg Off Ben Turnbull RAFAC, Officer Commanding 2375 (Neston) Squadron, Royal Air Force Air Cadets, told us: "As a brief overview, the RAF Air Cadets offers fantastic opportunities for young people to break out of their comfort zone, in a youth organisation that focuses on developing the next generation through a staggering range of activities, not limited to: flying, gliding, shooting, sport, DofE, Adventurous training, Drill & Ceremony, Camps (at home and overseas), visits to RAF stations and SO MUCH MORE!!".

For further information, please do get in touch via our website: 2375aircadets.org.







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