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Gordale Garden and Home Centre


"Thanks for all the hard work you put in to keep the CH64 site up to date, as we seem to have no local free weekly papers it is the only way to keep up with what is going on in the Neston area."
- Andy Lett

Easy Access

Tuesday Night is Steak Night at Elephant Bank

Published: 10th March 2020 06:48

Enjoy two fabulous steaks and a bottle of wine for just £25.

Elephant Bank Steak Night

Two scrumptious 10oz steaks, served with the Bank's signature chunky chips and cherry vine tomatoes, plus a bottle of house wine (red, white or rosé) for just £25....amazing.

Book early to avoid missing out...

Elephant Bank
15 The Cross
CH64 9UB
Tel: 0151 306 9984

Open 3.30pm - 11pm Mon-Thurs; 12noon-1am Fri & Sat; 12noon-11pm Sun.



Neston Life



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At 14:24 on 3rd March 2020, Snapdragon commented:
Some greens to go with it please.
Katie Robson
At 15:58 on 3rd March 2020, Katie Robson responded:
I'm sure you can order side dishes as an extra, Snapdragon.

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