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Cheer Up, Says the Parkgate Poet

Published: 9th March 2020 10:51

In his latest offering, Parkgate Poet Barrie Youde seeks to raise our spirits in the face of the dreaded flu virus that is currently dominating headlines.


Life's been a lot of fun. I have enjoyed it, through and through.
Coronavirus now confronts us all, both me and you.
We wash our hands, as always we have done so. And we hope
That still we might have water clean and still we might have soap,
To wash away our sins and hope that we may carry on,
To live our lives as normal when the virus should have gone.


"Should". Now, there's a word which has a meaning of its own.
A simple word with nuance, variation in its tone.
A word of expectation. Now, I wonder, is that wise?
Of course it isn't. We are faced with power before our eyes.
A power we don't possess and which, as yet, we can't contain,
Control, or yet eradicate. It cometh as a bane
Upon our lives to blight us yet, as it has blighted many.
And is there now an end in sight? As yet, we don't see any.


And neither could our parents in the darkest days of war.
This war is of a different kind, yet much has passed before.
Up Spirit! Is the only way to see this whole thing through.
Up Spirit! Just breathe in. Breathe out. That's all you need to do.
Spirit is the thing you need to let you live at all;
And you need it more than ever when your back's against the wall.


Cheer up, my Lads and Lasses and my Ladies and my Gents,
It's Spirit now will drive us in the best of our intents,
To meet this awful virus with good smiles upon our faces,
And challenge for survival with the purest of good graces,
And live to tell the tale and even turn it to some good.
The world will be a better place when this is understood.


I nothing know of medicine. I cannot contribute
To the necessary research in the science institute.
But I have seen the value of the smile upon the face,
For maintenance of Spirit and to quicken up the pace,
To set about restoring order, in life all about.
Spirit is the thing, old chum. Of that there is no doubt!




Up spirits!

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