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The Parkgate Poet on Ducks and Geese

Published: 20th April 2020 11:08

Barrie Youde, resident Parkgate Poet, spreads a little happiness with his ode to our feathered friends.

It is accompanied by a lovely photo of geese over Parkgate, taken by Brenda Roe.

On Ducks and Geese and Rainbow Colours

Some geese come from Canada. Some ducks from Muscovy.

For those who do not know, it is not obvious to see

The differences which exist. One might just guess, by luck

Where one day you might see some geese and other days some duck.


They flock together naturally, these creatures of a feather.

They all migrate, as they might please, by season, food and weather.

They fly in some formation, airborne squadrons in the sky,

Using skill in navigation. Men still wonder how? Not why.


We know that in their need to eat, they migrate there and back,

But otherwise I little know, except they all say Quack,

Announcing their arrival here, upon our local marsh

From places less hospitable and living is more harsh.


Ducks, I should appreciate, are smaller than the geese.

Their plumage is their waterproofing, just as sheep have fleece.

Their colours vary, type to type, though most in muted grade,

With webbed feet being mutual, to paddle, swim and wade.


It's recently that I have learned that geese have longer necks

Than ducks, proportionally. I know little of their sex.

Sauce, of course, is for the goose as sauce is for the gander.

Heterosexual, it would seem, in all airborne meander.


And so it is for ducks. We know the male duck is a drake

And so does mother-ducky, as their pleasures they will take.

And so the world goes round by movement, meetings, bends and tucks,

Where geese are always geese. And we should know about the ducks.




Geese over Parkgate. Photo by Brenda Roe


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