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The Virus - a Neston Poet Shares His Thoughts

Published: 9th May 2020 11:32

Neston resident Roy Hammet has written this poem, with his thoughts on the current Coronavirus pandemic.

The Virus

From governments of all nations
A message has been sent
That a virus most contagious
Needs laws that could prevent

So pay attention everyone
Be obedient from the start
No more hugs and kisses
But keep two meters apart

You cannot go to restaurants
Theatres or the flicks
Or places of entertainment
Where you went to get your kicks

All the pubs and clubs are shut
Sports stadiums will be too
What you do for
Happiness Is entirely up to you

The country is in lock down
Some workers can't go out
Some are getting wages
And some are getting nout

The elderly in isolation
Depending on others care
Doing what they can to help
From the virus must beware

Each day there is an update
How the change in life expands
And making sure you stay at home
And to keep on washing hands

This virus isn't fussy
Treats everyone the same
All MPs and Royalty
Or anyone with fame

If you're being stupid
Not doing as you're told
And not feeling well one day
You may not then get old

Hospitals are filling up
Staff working hard to cope
Saving lives of many
But for some there is no hope

Technology is a helping hand
In keeping us in touch
With family friends and services
We need so very much

Shoppers who are greedy
Stock piling from the shelves
Have no thought for others
Just thinking about themselves

In war time it was different
The military won the test
With this we haven't got a clue
If it's getting on our chest One day

it will be over
The medics have done well
And babies who are born this year
History books will tell

So let us keep together
Doing as we're told
And we'll all have a jolly good chance
Of growing very old.

- Roy Hammet, May 2020.

Roy Hammet

Here's Roy enjoying a tipple in the sun on VE Day, during a residents' stay-at-home party at Churchill Court. Photo by Michele Hill.


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Carol S
At 13:37 on 10th May 2020, Carol S commented:
Brilliant poem Roy.

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