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The Parkgate Poet Marks a Special Village Anniversary

Published: 2nd June 2020 11:21

Barrie Youde, the Parkgate Poet, marks the tenth anniversary of the re-opening of St Thomas' Church in Parkgate.


The village church was closed that year, but why?
Because there was a problem with the roof;
And therefore was abandoned. Left to die,
Without, however, gathering much proof.

When others set about it, with a will,
Alarm was heard from those who called for closure.
And who would pay the necessary bill?
The problem generated some exposure.

The village rallied, horrified to hear
That they would be no more a congregation,
To gather, now and then, throughout the year.
There was, it seemed, no proper explanation.

The Bishop intervened. He saw the need
To let the village have its meeting place.
The village then was galvanized indeed.
Repairs began, if at a modest pace.

At length, the roof was fixed. It took ten years,
To reach this stage towards its former glory.
A further six, before we heard the cheers:-
Re-opening, complete with lavatory!

And all of this was now ten years ago.
Coronavirus sees it closed again.
But not for long, as village people know,
We all must meet each other, now and then.


St Thomas' Church, Parkgate
Photo by Dean Munday



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Robin H
At 15:15 on 3rd June 2020, Robin H commented:
Thanks Barry. It's very timely to remember how Parkgate worshippers and the village community, including businesses, worked in partnership to save this building. We thought it was going to be demolished so it was wonderful when the vicar at the time, Neill Robb, on 5th September 2002, said he looked forward to it "becoming again a place of worship and a focal point for village activities". It was saved and we look forward to maintaining that 18-years' old vision.
At 17:35 on 3rd June 2020, BHFL commented:
What a beautiful picture of the focal point of our village.

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