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Primus Parkgate Poet on Social Distancing

Published: 3rd August 2020 10:49

The Parkgate Poet, Barrie Youde, casts his eye over recent announcements on measures to prevent a second wave of the coronavirus.


I mean to say that which I mean, on keeping left and right hand clean,
And faces covered at all times, to minimise the risk that grimes
And germs and antibodies foul in pestilence upon the prowl
Will catch us unaware today; as they have not yet gone away.

Gathering, you should not do, that is, unless you're wanting to.
Be clear that groups of two or three are two or three times more than me.
And groups of several hundred might enjoy a merry party night
At distance of at least two metres, with alcohol consumed in litres.

Ladies, you should heed the warning, that if you revel ‘til the morning,
That I might well avoid you later, in case I have become the pater,
Perhaps, of product of our mating. Importance needs no overstating:
Social distance must be kept. Women, I believe, have wept.

Back to work? Of course you should. That is all for the public good.
And if you run a pub, that's tough. The numbers might not be enough
To keep your cash-flow in the black. There really is no turning back.
Follow me. I know not where. I am trustworthy, I declare.

Choice? Whatever do you mean? I've told you, keep your hands quite clean.
Do as I say, not as I do - And we shall see this battle through,
As I am better than you are. That much, now, I have proved so far.
I'm glad you understand me, yes. What next? That's anybody's guess.


1st August 2020

Keep Your Distance

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