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The Parkgate Poet on....Parkgate!

Published: 10th August 2020 10:36

Barrie Youde, the Parkgate Poet, brings us a tribute to his local village


Parkgate remains a paradise. It always has been so,
Since tides would visit daily, twice, by constant ebb and flow,
By changing trade and ventures, through the aeons of our lives,
By dentistry or dentures. Or by husbands or by wives.

Activity has always happened, as the Romans knew,
At Chester, where the garrison maintained its seaward view,
And navigated, tenuously, where we now see marsh,
Giving living to our ancestors, if giving living harsh.

Not much protection from the sea, yet here was seaborne trade,
For centuries and, somehow, was an honest living made,
To build the houses, cottages, the slipways and the fishing,
Without a backward thought or moment spent in idle wishing.

Here was trade to Ireland. A ferry-port, no less.
London- Chester- Parkgate- Dublin. Politics address.
Purpose was there in Parkgate. The Custom House stood, too;
With Look-out at the Watch-House, at the Estuary view:

To see who comes and goes, as people come and go today,
And take a bob-or-two and wish them well, upon their way,
And give me somewhere pleasant still to breathe and take it in.
If I were starting out today, from here I would begin.



Photo ©AboutMyArea Neston

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