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Parkgate Poet Says 'Last Night of the Proms, Anybody?'

Author: Barrie Youde Published: 26th August 2020 10:03

Barrie Youde, the Parkgate Poet, with his take on the recent spate of 'wokeness' that has led to a furore over what will, or will not, be sung at this year's Last Night of the Proms on the BBC.


Am I embarrassed by our national history?
No, I am not, because I was not there.
When Romans trampled Britons' own identity,
My ancestors were trampled, as it were.

 Things happened when I had not any cause to be,
Nor was a twinkle in my father's eye.
Two thousand years ago, d'you see, and nor was he,
Upon this planet. He came by-and-by.

And in between things happened, evidentially,
And I am grateful that I'm here at all.
Embarrassment and pride are little known to me:
And pride, I know, will come before a fall.

How then should I address the lessons taught to me?
The lessons of our history as told,
As, late in life, as more reports are brought to me
And I must watch more history unfold?

Read, mark, learn and inwardly digest must be
The lessons to be learned along the way,
That future generations of their own may see
The right and wrong of living every day.

I am embarrassed by those who apologise
For things they did not do and did not know;
And ask me to self-flagellate and criticise
Our forefathers who served us, long ago;

And did their best, according to the lights they had,
To reproduce and thus maintain the line;
And recognised that much was good, and some was bad,
And in due course gave me this life of mine.



Last Night of the Proms


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John Cartlidge
At 11:45 on 26th August 2020, John Cartlidge commented:
Interesting and entertaining enough, but premise appears to be based on the none story regarding performances for last night of the Proms this year. The absence of the sing along pieces is they require audience participation – there will not be an audience and this was the position announced on 24th August; all other media and social media comment that differs to this is the fantasy and fiction of the writers.
CO Jones
At 05:59 on 27th August 2020, CO Jones commented:
Quite remarkable seeing peoples knee jerk reactions after finding out they won't be able to sing along to a Victorian era song that they don't know the words to on a program they do not watch.

How dare they? Etc etc

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