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Realise Your Hockey Potential this Summer with England International Coach

Published: 10th August 2021 13:24

The Neston Club is excited to be hosting two great summer hockey camps, coached by renowned England International Hockey Coach, John Bell.

Summer Hockey Camps at The Neston Club.

John is an ex-England international player and European Bronze medallist with twenty years experience coaching England teams. He has worked with junior and senior international athletes and club players, helping them all to realise their potential.

The Camps will focus on:

  • Core Skills
  • Speed and Control
  • Goal Scoring
  • Winning the Ball
  • Goalkeeping
  • Penalty Corners
  • Technical one-to-one

The camps will run from 9.30am through to 3pm and are open to all players aged between 11 - 17 years.

Camp 1 will run Monday 16 August - Wednesday 18 August and is priced at £75 for members (£90 for non-members).

Camp 2 will run Monday 23 and Tuesday 24 August and costs £50 (£60 if you're not a member at the club).

To reserve a place in either camp, please email The Neston Club today.

Station Road
CH64 6QJ

Tel: 0151 336 4199
Email: enquiries@thenestonclub.co.uk

The Neston Club


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