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Does Your Under 14 Want to Play Football?

Published: 19th August 2021 14:55

Neston Nomads Under 14s team want to hear from you, especially if you'd make a good goalie. 

Neston Nomads U14s

Gary Christian has been in touch, looking to recruit new players to the Neston Nomads Football Club Under 14s team. Those heading in to Year 9 at High School and local to Neston are eligible to play.

Gary says: " We are looking for players with all abilities to join our U14s side for the upcoming season. Training is at Nomads' new 3G pitches at Neston High School on a Tuesday night, 7pm - 8pm.

"We're looking for players in all positions, especially someone who wants to play as a goalkeeper."

If you know someone who's interested, please get in touch Gary today on 07447 431853.

Neston Nomads FC


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