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Top Squash Coach Takes Up New Role at The Neston Club

Published: 26th August 2021 15:03

A hugely experienced international squash coach has been appointed the new Head Coach at The Neston Club.

Andrew Evans.

Andrew Evans takes up his new role following a successful career which has included spells as Director of Coaching & Development and High-Performance Coach for Squash Wales. This has included coaching at Commonwealth Games and European and World Championships.

During this time, he helped bring through many professional players including his own children, Tesni and Emyr Evans, who both currently play on the professional tour.

Andrew will be responsible for all squash coaching at The Neston Club from beginners through to more advanced players as well as starting his own junior coaching programme. Junior coaching will begin with a Taster Day on Sunday, September 26th from 2pm.

For many years, Andrew was Head Coach at the Saints Squash Club in North Wales where he ran a successful academy.

Andrew is also a former international player himself having represented Wales on 68 occasions, eight of them as captain.

Andrew said: "I am delighted to be joining The Neston Club as Head Coach for Squash. It is a fantastic club with a strong multi-sport membership of juniors and adults.

"I am looking forward to getting to know existing squash players, but also looking to show other members at the club what a great game squash is, whether you want to play for fun and fitness or to become a competitive team player.

"I can't wait to get started!"

Nick Mason, Chairman of Squash & Racketball at The Neston Club, said: "Andrew is an elite coach with a fantastic track record of coaching and developing players at all levels.

"He is also a huge squash enthusiast and I'm looking forward to him sharing this passion with all members at the club."

Anyone interested in finding out more information about joining The Neston Club or Andrew's coaching for juniors or adults should contact nick@masonmedia.co.uk in the first instance.

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