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Read All About It - Neston Newspaper Clippings from Days Gone By - Part 8

Published: 15th April 2014 09:38

Another round-up of newspaper clippings telling interesting tales of Neston's past.

Our thanks to John Cartlidge for researching them.

Read all about it

All articles below are (c) British Library Board.

First up this week, a kerfuffle on a train coming into Neston.  From the Cheshire Observer, 3 July 1886:

Neston days gone by newspaper clippings

A nasty accident on Ladies Club day, involving a 'shandry' - anyone know what that is? From the Cheshire Observer, 9 June 1900:

Neston days gone by newspaper clippings

'Sensational' news next, involving some familiar local names.  From the Cheshire Observer, 21 April 1900:

Neston days gone by newspaper clippings

Next up we have news of the local vicar upsetting a saint.  From the Cheshire Observer, 28 July 1883:

Neston days gone by newspaper clippings

Here's the sad tale of a nasty accident in Parkgate.  From the Liverpool Mercury, 23 May 1864:

Neston days gone by newspaper clippings

Neston days gone by newspaper clippings

Neston days gone by newspaper clippings

Neston days gone by newspaper clippings

And finally for this week, a tale from 'salubrious and fashionable' Moorside, from the Cheshire Observer of 14 June 1884:

Neston days gone by newspaper clippings


More next week. 

Related content:

Neston Newspaper Clippings

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John Cartlidge
At 10:31 on 15th April 2014, John Cartlidge commented:
Oxford English Dictionary.

shandry, n.

A light cart or trap on springs. Also shandry cart.

Forms: Also shanderee, shandray.


1802 A. Wheeler Westmorland Dial. iv. 95 Dud the cusen keep a horse an a shanderee?
18.. J. Briggs Rem. (1825) 93 (E.D.D.), We hired a shandry to carry us to Little Langdale.
1836 G. Head Home Tour 427, I saw this happy couple drive away from the inn together, in a light shandry cart.
1859 E. C. Gaskell Haunted House: Ghost in Garden Room in All Year Round Extra Christmas No. 13 Dec. 45/2 I'll drive yo' in the shandry.
1865 E. C. Gaskell Sexton's Hero in Cousin Phillis, etc. 280 We borrowed a shandry, and harnessed my old grey mare.
1882 J. H. Nodal & G. Milnar Gloss. Lancashire Dial., Shandray, a one-horse carriage.
1888 Bury Times 1 Sept. 6 Damages to a milk shandry.
John Cartlidge
At 09:53 on 17th April 2014, John Cartlidge commented:
A tip for those interested.

If you hold a Cheshire Libraries card, you can use your card number to sign into the Oxford English Dictionary and have access to the full subscription service including thesaurus. This access would normally cost £215 plus VAT for a personal subscriber.

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