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Read All About It - Neston Newspaper Clippings from Days Gone By - Part 12

Published: 13th May 2014 08:19

The last installment (for now) of fascinating news clippings from Neston's past.

Our thanks to John Cartlidge for researching these clippings.

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All articles below are (c) British Library Board

First up this week, a clergyman from Thornton Hough is in a spot of bother. From the Manchester Times of 26 January 1884:

Neston newspaper clippings from days gone by

Good luck Hilda!  From the Evening Telegraph of 16 June 1927:

Neston newspaper clippings from days gone by

Looks like Robert Robinson's in for it....From the Liverpool Mercury of 4 November 1887:

Neston newspaper clippings from days gone by

From the Cheshire Observer of 7 October 1882, a visit from the Duke and Duchess...shame they're not around on 5 June this year! :

Neston newspaper clippings from days gone by

The tale of the stolen ass, as reported in the Liverpool Mercury of 29 April 1865:

Neston newspaper clippings from days gone by

Ye Olde Trip Advisor?  From the Chester Courant of 22 June 1813, an advertisement for the George Inn:

Neston newspaper clippings from days gone by

And finally...you know when you've been 'Musselled'!  From the Cheshire Observer of 20 March 1886:

Neston newspaper clippings from days gone by

We will be running a special edition containing clippings about Neston Female Society and the Ladies Club Day in time for the 200th anniversary walk on 5 June 2014.

Related content: Neston Newspaper Clippings

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