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Willaston Directory 2023

Published: 7th March 2023 19:58

informationEach year, Willaston Residents and Countryside Society provides a list of village organisations and businesses for the benefit of all residents, particularly newcomers to the village.

The list below is correct at 25 February 2023.  If you spot a mistake, or something needs to be updated, please contact us and we will rectify it on the website and forward the information to the Society.

SurgeryVillage Surgery, Neston Road                     327 4593 
Clinics at the Surgery 327 4593
Physio & Sports InjuriesJudith Callow, Hooton Rd327 3361
Dental PracticeDr E Haworth, Neston Rd327 5212
Mobile LibraryCar park at The Nag's Head pub
See CWAC website
Mobile Post Office
Memorial Hall, Tues 9.30am - 11.30am; Fri   2.30pm-4.30pm
Willaston CofE Primary SchoolJulie Chambers, Neston Road338 2421
S4YC Willaston PreSchool
Michelle Goodall
07951 861296
Toddler GroupAnnette Troake, Methodist Chapel
327 7307
Local CouncillorMyles Hogg327 4096
Council Services
CWAC Council Services
0300 1238 123
Church of EnglandChurch Wardens Martin Woodhead, Viv Ley 07884 334646, 0151 327 6053
Methodist Chapel

Rev Heather Cooper
Local Lay pastor Dr Jim Shaw

648 8780
327 7183
Roman CatholicFr Edmund Montgomery 355 5877
Residents & Country Society


Surgery Patient GroupJohn Woodrow
327 3260
Willaston Hey W.I.Val Fisher327 5616
Darby and JoanPam Irving327 6048
Mother's UnionViv Ley
327 6053
Community Day CentrePam Irving327 6048
Hadlow Green ChoirJohn Church 362 2228
Ladies Tuesday Choir
Margaret Delmotte
327 4001
Horticultural SocietyGary Kirk
327 6587
Royal British Legion BranchRichard Berry07918 126248
Willaston Country MarketJackie Jenkins
721 6285
Village Festival SocietyBrian Greenhalgh
327 3254
Christ Church Men's GroupRev L Bannon334 9931
Willaston & S Wirral Rotary Club

Mark Hughes

07717 137934
Adult Craft Group Kate McMahon
07843 320331 
Book Club Bonnie Campbell 07834 420331
Johnston Recreation Ground(Contact Myles Hogg)327 4096
Wirral FootpathsMargaret Smythe
327 7280
Friends of Willaston MeadowSarah Shannon
327 5318
Friends of Hadlow Road Station
Chris Hampshire
327 4511
Willaston Football (open age) Steven Blackledge07899 0663336
Willaston Ladies FootballLisa Jenkins07931 790444
Willaston Tennis ClubAndrew Walton327 2853
CyclingChris Harris678 6064
Morris DancingAndy Siddons347 1685
North Wales Gliding ClubDavid Compton327 4760
Happy Dance - Keep Fit
Sarah Sutton-Smith
07872 054617
Rebalance and Recharge
Lesley Kerrigan
07981 703741
Brian McCavish
07903 743495
Outdoor Fitness BootcampJenni Waddington07931 933561
Blossom and Bloom (mum and baby   support)
Siobhan Bradbury
07860 280664
Wirral Arts (children's drama)
Aisha Ward
07494 182341
Air Training Corp 2375 SquadronDavid Compton327 4760
1st Willaston Rainbows Sheena Chalmers327 7138 / 07967 3570700
2nd Willaston Brownies (7-10)Sheena Chalmers
327 7138 / 07967 3570700
Willaston GuidesLeanne Sheelan07913 422364
Beavers/Cubs/Scouts/ExplorersRemco Buckley

07930 603994

cout Leader
Remco Buckley join@1stwillaston.org.uk
Memorial Hallbookings.memorialhall@gmail.com 
Methodist HallCarol Savage

327 3593

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