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BH15 Classifieds

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"'...I don't believe it...' Having been giving a great deal of help and support from the AboutMyArea team, I have become the sub-editor of the Hamworthy Matters pages of the AboutMyArea - Poole. There..." more
- Ann - Hamworthy Matters

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Classified Rates

1 - A listing priced between £0.00 and £49.99 will be free to place, unless you add any pictures to it (50p each) or include more than 1,000 characters of text (50p per extra 1,000 characters).

 2 - A listing priced between £40.00 and £99.99 will cost £4.95 to place, and includes one image and 1,000 characters of text. Extra images are 50p each, and extra text is 50p per block of 1,000 characters.

 3 - A listing priced between £100.00 and £199.99 will cost £7.95 to place, and includes 2 images and 2,000 characters of text. An extra image will be an additional 50p and extra text is 50p per block of 1,000 characters.

 4 - A listing prices at £200.00 or more will cost £9.95 to place and includes all 3 images for free and 3,000 characters of text. Extra text will cost 25p per block of 1,000 characters.

For example:

  • A listing priced at £40 with 2 images and 435 characters of text will cost £1.00 to place.
  • A listing priced at £120 with 1 image and 2,126 characters of text will cost £8.45 to place.
  • A listing priced at £95 with 3 images and 1,754 characters of text will cost £6.45 to place.

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