Whats On In Drayton & Farlington In February 2013
Published: 28th January 2013 14:48 |
Saturday 9th
Beetle Drive at 7.30pm at the Drayton Centre. Tickets are £8.00 (which includes a fish and chip supper) and will be available at the door. Further information from Brian 02392 377630 or Bob 02392 362926
Wednesday 13th
"Bricks, Steam and Guns : The Victorian Forts" Friends of Portsdown Hill present a talk by
Geoff Hallett, secretary of the Palmerston Forts Society, who will explain why Portsmouth is surrounded by the most extensive and dramatic Victorian forts of the British Empire, where they were built and how they were armed. This talk is at the Church of the Resurrection Hall, Brecon Avenue at 7.45pm. Admission is £2, including refreshments. Call Alan Thurbon on 023 9232 5570 for further information, or http://www.portsdown.hampshire.org.uk
Friday 15th
Drayton United Church is again holding Lenten Lunches which start on 15th from 11.30am until 1.15pm and then every Friday until Easter - but not Good Friday. £1.50 (children 50p)
Friday 22nd
Quiz Evening at the Sunshine Function Room starting at 7pm. Tickets cost £6.50 (includes food). All proceeds support the charitable work of the Drayton and Farlington Action Group, Tickets and further information from the Information Centre Tel 92380000 or 92386032
Fed up with your own company? Then call in for a "coffee, and a chat" with like-minded people at one of the following venues:
Monday 10.00 -11.30 The Manor House Court Lane
Tuesday 9.30-11.30 Drayton Centre
Wednesday 9.30 -12.00 Drayton United Church
Thursday 10.00-11.30 Drayton United Church
Friday 9.30 -12.00 Drayton United Church
1st Wednesday 2.00 -4.00 St Colmans Church Hall
There is a vast range of regular events and meetings taking place in Drayton and Farlington. There is something for every taste and age group. Details can be found on the web site www.draytonandfarlington.com; in the annual community newsletter "Your Say" or call into the Information Centre
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