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Have you ever faced prejudice, stigma or discrimination?

Author: null null Published: 7th January 2013 13:35

Awards for All logoThanks to funding from the Big Lottery, the Good Mental Health Cooperative is launching a series of Human Library events during 2013 in Portsmouth and South Hampshire.

The Human Library is an international equalities movement which promotes positive social change in over 60 countries.

At a Human Library ‘Books' are people, and 'reading' is a conversation.

"Don't judge a book by its cover

Human Books are volunteers who share personal experience to challenge prejudice, stigma and discrimination.

We're looking for volunteers inspired to join our free training day on Wednesday January 16, 2013.

You may be interested in being a 'Book', or there are other ways to help such as being a 'Librarian', a 'Matchmaker' or a 'Floorwalker'. If you'd like to get involved then we'd like to hear from you.

Click here for more details and to book your place on the volunteer training

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