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The Perils of Positive Thinking in a Negative World

Author: null null Published: 12th February 2013 21:31
"I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky"

Coffee cupsSo go the words of a song. But would you interpret these as the last fateful words of Icarus before his wings melted from the heat of the sun, or are they words of hope and inspiration?

Is positive thinking always the best thing? Maybe at times a word of caution has its place. It can be helpful to consider all the things that might go wrong if you're planning an event for example. And there can be nothing more annoying than to be told to ‘think on the bright side', when you're feeling upset or angry!

However research shows that people with a more optimistic and positive attitude have better outcomes in life generally, including recovery from serious physical injury or ill-health. The risks are of course that you're disappointed, that things don't work out as you hoped they would, that you don't take account of what could go wrong. But then is it better to be an optimist and be wrong occasionally, or a pessimist who's always right?

So what do we mean by the power of positive thinking. It's one thing to practise 'feel good' thoughts when things are going along OK. But what about when things are going badly wrong? Life happens, and we all feel anger, sadness, frustration and disappointment at times.

In this workshop, I'll be talking about how different ways of thinking can build our mental and emotional resilience to help us get through the tough times.

So why not join us and explore three effective ways to develop healthy thinking habits.

Date: Saturday, 23 February, 10 - 12noon
Venue: Oasis Wellness Centre, Queen Alexandra Hospital
Cost: £15

Click here for more details

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